B to C debt collection costs in France a nightmarish situation when debtor is an individual.


B to C debt collection costs in France a nightmarish situation. The B to C debt collection costs in France were the subject of a new judicial decision dated September 26, 2019. This decision concerns the collection costs charged to individuals by the collection agencies. The decision of the Administrative Court is as follows. The collection of damages from the debtor must, except to qualify as deceptive marketing practices, be preceded by a justification of the nature and amount of the damage alleged. According to the judges the only fact for the administration to note that neither the proof of bad faith, nor that of the reality and the quantum of the damage, were reported, was sufficient to reclassify the damages and interests in debt collection costs constituting deceptive marketing practices. The burden of proof of the bad faith of the debtor and the loss suffered is on the creditor. Failing this, the collection firm is exposed to heavy criminal penalties for deceptive marketing practices. The context of this decision is related to the practices of some French recovery firms that try to make debtors pay damages by referring to Article 1231-6 of the Civil Code. The root of the problem is related to the small amount of the claims in the B to C files. To make their actions profitable some collection firms do not hesitate to claim substantial damages from the debtors to cover the debt collection costs incurred. The Court’s decision confirms that in practice and for debtors with a private person status, it is in fact impossible to claim recovery costs except to risk very heavy penalties. How to produce receipts for debts of a few tens of euros. And it is equally true that not paying small bills for an individual is a real lawless area, the debtor not in fact risk anything to pay his bills when he sings, if he decides to pay. No one is going to expose the debt collection costs of proceedings for a claim of a few tens of euros.